about me

I am a daydreamer. I am a proud supporter of breakfast for dinner and dance parties before bed. I have a closet full of clothes but somehow have nothing to wear. I have extreme wanderlust and I never like to visit the same place twice. Except for Paris; I plan to visit Paris over and over again! Oh, and I'm proud to call Livermore, California home. I can't get enough of our tight-knit community and warm summer nights (enjoyed with a cold glass of sangria, of course)! 

My family is my life. They are the inspiration, motivation, and purpose for everything I do! My mom is my hero and the one who instilled a passion in me to create. My husband is my true partner in crime; he goes along with every crazy idea I throw at him. And my four sweet little girls are my muses. They're my biggest supporters and the reason I decided to pursue this career. When you book a photo session with me you're not only supporting a small business, you're supporting a dream!